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  • matslind

Managing Director Scandinavia to a world leading company

We have just started a new project and the first phase in our Re:3+ method, The Reflection Report. In this phase we conduct a thorough analysis about our Client current situation. the platform to develop from, the targets, identifying the gaps and the kind of profile needed to reach the targets.

Our process

We are not a traditional headhunter focusing on solving a position, we are management consultants that creates value/business results to our customers. In order to accomplish that we have our own method called Re:3+. Re:3+ is a hybrid between a business analysis/plan and analysis of the profile needed to reach the result you as a company want. The method is divided into three steps:

  1. The Reflection Report: Analysis about the company, the targets + profile needed

  2. The Reaction Report: Search and select the right candidates

  3. The Result Report: Final assessment

+ Performance Review: 6 months after the chosen Candidates has started hers/his mission we conduct a first phase follow up. After 12 months we conduct a more thorough review about the Candidates performance linked to the targets that was defined in The Reflection Report

THE PROJECT: Recruit a new Managing Director to one of our Clients, located in Karlskrona Sweden.


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