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  • linakuulme

Asia: What Makes Generation Z Different?

Gen Zers (born 1996–2012) are coming of age. By 2025, the group will make up a quarter of the Asia–Pacific (APAC) region’s population—the same as millennials (born 1980–1995). And as Gen Zers mature, they will make and spend more money.

Although Gen Zers share many qualities with millennials, it’s wrong to think of them simply as a younger version. Generation Z has its own unique characteristics.

For one thing, unlike millennials, Gen Zers are entering into adulthood during a global pandemic. Still, the demographics are clear: by 2025, the two cohorts will compose half of APAC consumers.

In an effort to understand the distinctive ways that Gen Zers research, consider, purchase, and use products, in the second half of 2019 McKinsey surveyed more than 16,000 consumers in six countries—Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, and Thailand.

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